Nächster Online-Kurs: 29.01.2024
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Your path into the future
Once you have completed your integration course, then the professional language course (BSK) follows. The professional language course helps you to prepare for the working world in order to achieve your career goals.

Frequently asked questions
Can I take the "Berufssprachkurs" course?
Yes, if you are not from Germany and....
You don't speak much German yet,
you are looking for a job and/or receiving unemployment benefits,
You have a job, but your German isn't good
you have an education or you are looking for one
Is the language course free of charge?
If you are not working, the course is free of charge for you. The Jobcenter will cover the costs.
If you work and earn more than 20,000 €, then you pay 2.42 € per lesson. For 400 hours, that's €968.
Tip: If you pass the exam successfully, then you get 50% of the costs back!
Do you also offer integration courses?
Do you also offer integration courses?
No. Unfortunately, we do not offer an integration course at the moment.
Do you have any further questions?
Then write to us!
Bring a Friend
Du hast während des Integrationskurses Freunde kennengelernt, mit denen du den Kurs gern gemeinsam besuchen würdest?
Kein Problem! Bringe deine Freunde zur Anmeldung einfach mit und ihr werdet dann den Kurs gemeinsam besuchen.
Voraussetzung: Du und dein Freund müsst über das gleiche Sprachniveau verfügen